How competitive is this programme?

We anticipate that this will be a highly competitive programme. Successful applicants will have, or should expect to get, a UK 1st class or high upper second class degree, or the foreign equivalent of this (we cannot consider anyone with a lower 2nd, even if they have subsequently done well in an MSc, and the low end of the upper second range is also unlikely to be successful);

Can foreign students apply?

Yes, we actively encourage foreign students to apply. Foreign students receive the normal stipend, research and travel costs, and the EU component of their fees is paid, but non-European Union citizens have to pay the extra non-EU fees (currently an extra ~£16,000 per year) either themselves or by obtaining scholarship funding. Furthermore, all candidates who are selected for the Programme must be interviewed.

My first language is not English. Is that a problem?

if your first language is not English then, if accepted onto the programme, you would need to provide evidence of a suitable level of competence in English (this proof can be provided after an offer of a place has been made - you do not need to have it when you apply). 

UCL prefers the IELTS qualification , and for our programme you need to have passed at the "Good" level, i.e. an overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.

How good does my degree result need to be?

Our funders require that you have at least an upper 2nd class of degree (or foreign equivalent). We cannot consider applicants with a lower second degree, even if they have subsequently done well in an MSc, and the low end of the upper second range is also unlikely to be successful. For non-EU applicants who would need to apply for a scholarship to pay the non-EU fees, you would need to have a first class degree and extremely good references.

Are transcripts necessary?

They are optional: as noted above, you should include in your CV a summary of the grades you have got in your final school exams and university courses, but you may in addition send a scan of your transcripts (no file over 1MB please). Note that legally certified transcripts are not needed at the application stage (they will be checked later if you are selected). If English is not your first language include a scan (<1MB) of the results of any English tests that you have taken.

Are telephone interviews possible?

No. However, we may be able to help with the cost of coming to UCL for interview, and for students outside Europe we sometimes can interview by Skype.

I'm doing an undergraduate degree in physics or chemistry or engineering or psychology - can I use the first year to convert to Optical Biology? 


Does my age matter?


I will be away at the time of the interviews (late January/early February). 

Contact us: we may be able to interview early.

I have another PhD offer, which needs a decision before you decide on your studentships.

Ask them to wait (they usually will); if not, contact us.

Can I come to visit the programme before the interviews?

We only conduct visits for students at the time of the interviews, when shortlisted applicants will meet supervisors and students on the programme and visit labs.

If I am offered a place, how long do I have to decide?

You would have 7-10 days, depending on the date we send out offers. After accepting a place we ask you to withdraw all other applications for PhD places. Thus, you need to have thought in advance about whether you will accept a place if offered one, and we cannot wait for replies (for example) from universities in the United States that you have applied to.

I am a non-EU student - how do I pay the non-EU fees? 

Please do not apply for UCL's ORS awards. Instead, we have some funds to pay your non-EU fees that we will activate if you are successful in gaining a place on the programme, and if you are unsuccessful in applying for any other scholarships that you may be eligible for. Please, therefore, do not write to ask questions about non-EU fees - this issue will be sorted out only after you have been offered a place on the PhD programme.

I have my own money to fund the fees and living expenses of my PhD. Can I be admitted to the programme?

Students, other than the 5 funded each year by the Wellcome Trust, may be admitted to the 4 year PhD Programme in Optical Biology, provided the following conditions are met:  

1. Students must meet the necessary academic standard. Assessment of this will always involve interview by the 4 year Programme Committee, preferably at the same time as other applicants are considered (late January - February each year). If students are not ranked within the top 12 of all the applicants, they will not be accepted onto the Programme. Since entry onto the Programme is highly competitive, we recommend that applications are made only from students who have obtained, or are likely to obtain, a 1st or a good upper 2nd class degree in their undergraduate studies.  

2. Students cannot be accepted if their funding ties them to a particular supervisor for the PhD part of the course. Final allocation of students to 3-month-rotation and PhD supervisors will be made by the 4 year Programme Committee in consultation with the student and the supervisor that they wish to work with. Students must do all the coursework that the Programme Committee suggests.   

3. The financial obligations of being on the 4 year Programme are approximately as follows. For 4 years funds are needed to pay: fees to UCL (~ £4000/year for European Union citizens); living expenses to the student (our other students initially receive approximately £23,000/year, increasing by about £1000/year); research expenses (£10000/year); and costs of travelling to scientific meetings (£400/year). The total needed for the 4 years is thus around £155,000 for an EU student and about £64,000 more for a non-EU student because of the extra non-EU fees. The research and travel expenses part of this funding will be administered by the 4 year Programme Committee in conjunction with the supervisors that the students work with.