I want to understand how molecules and cells self-organize into living beings that have shape, agency and experiences. I build microscopes to observe and manipulate living matter at the tissue scale, and aspire to find mathematical models of the collective dynamics that bring it alive.
Email | matthias.loidolt.21@ucl.ac.uk
Web | ORCID | Google Scholar | Twitter
Bio | MPI-DS Goettingen, Research Assistant in Neural Systems Theory (2020-2021) | MPI-CBG Dresden, Research Assistant in Biophotonics and Self-Organization (2019) | DPAG Oxford, Research Intern in All-Optical Interrogation of Neural Circuits (2018) | |TU Dresden, BSc in Physics (2015-2020) | NTNU Trondheim, Erasmus Semester in Biophysics (2018)
Awards International Scholar Award for Doctoral Training Centres (University College London, 2021-2025) | SMART START Studentship in Computational Neuroscience (Bernstein Network and Volkswagen Foundation, 2019-2021) | Erasmus+ Scholarship (European Union, 2018)
Funding | Wellcome